Biomaterial Recipes for 3D Printing: A Cookbook of Sustainable and Extrudable Bio-Pastes
Awards: Best Pictorial at ACM TEI‘25
People: Fiona Bell, Camila Friedman-Gerlicz, Leah Buechley
Year: 2024-ongoing
Description: We explore two goals in this work: (1) to develop new sustainable biomaterials for 3D printing, thus extending the current library of materials for digital fabrication, and (2) to further how material knowledge is disseminated by exploring alternative types of publications, specifically cookbooks. This cookbook discusses how to develop biomaterials for paste extrusion 3D printing. We include ingredients, tools, processes, and recommendations for working with biomaterials, followed by three recipes from sawdust, orange peels, and leaves.
Outcomes: ACM TEI’25 Pictorial, Currents New Media Art + Technology Festival 2025, Hindsight Insight 5.0 Exhibition