Directions for Degradation

Directions for Degradation: Multispecies Entanglements with 3D Printed Biomaterials

People: Fiona Bell, Leah Buechley

Year: 2022-ongoing

Description: As design practitioners begin to consider methods for sustainably disposing of what is made, we explore potential directions for designing with the multispecies-driven degradation of 3D printed biomaterial objects. We speculate on near-future engagements that organisms such as plants, insects, and fungi might have with printed biomaterial objects, where an object is transformed through degradation over time. In these scenarios, we pose multispecies agents as co-designers and co-fabricators of objects, exemplifying how we might reconfigure entangled relationships between human and more-than-human agents in the making-with process and how we might leverage our situated position as human makers to enable planetary flourishing.

Outcomes: ACM HTTF’24 Paper, ACM TOCHI Journal Paper