Self-Cleaning Textiles

Self-Cleaning Textiles: Designing Interactive Systems with Fabric, Stains and Light

Awards: Student Design Challenge Inspiration Award at ACM TEI’21

People: Fiona Bell, Alice Hong, Andreea Danielescu, Aditi Maheshwari, Ben Greenspan, Hiroshi Ishii, Laura Devendorf, Mirela Alistar

Year: 2020-2022

Description: We explore how photocatalytic nanoparticles and light can be leveraged to clean textiles by removing stains and killing bacteria. While a functional self-cleaning textile that can be applied to public spaces is the end goal, this work currently focuses on how "destaining" and "undyeing" can be used as intentional design tools that can selectively degrade the color of organic stains on textiles.

Outcomes: ACS Omega Paper, CHI’21 Paper, TEI’21 Student Design Challenge, CU ATLAS News