Sustainable Unmaking: Designing for Biodegradation, Decay, and Disassembly
People: Katherine Song, Fiona Bell, Himani Deshpande, Ilan Mandel, Tiffany Wun, Mirela Alistar, Leah Buechley, Wendy Ju, Jeeeun Kim, Eric Paulos, Samar Sabie, Ron Wakkary
Year: 2024
Description: Unmaking has been posed as an ally to sustainability, encouraging designers to foreground issues relating to reuse, repair, obsolescence, degradation, and decay early in their design process. In this workshop, we brought together researchers and practitioners interested in unmaking as it relates to sustainability and focused primarily on exploring the role of unmaking in material practices, drawing upon the growing body of unmaking theory to explore future research opportunities for designing physical things with sustainable materials that are transient, degradable, and intentionally unmake-able.
Outcomes: ACM CHI’24 Workshop, Workshop Website